Welcome to Wadjareckon

The content of this site has been developed in partnership between students of Wongutha CAPS, a Christian boarding school for year 11 and 12 Aboriginal students who come from towns and communities all around Western Australia, Curtin University and University of Queensland as part of and funded by an ARC Linkage project ‘Preparing Aboriginal students in remote communities for life beyond school’.

The team members of this ARC project are Prof Rhonda Oliver (Curtin University), Dr Marnee Shay (the University of Queensland), Dr Tatiana Bogachenko (Curtin University), Dr Helen McCarthy (Curtin University), and an award winning writer and film maker Boori Monty Pryor (some of his famous books are Shake a Leg, Maybe Tomorrow, My Girragundji; films Wrong Kind of Black, Brown Paper Bag). This project aims to better prepare young Aboriginal adults as they transition from the VET (Vocational Education and Training) school to life beyond school, including into the workplace. We are grateful for the ongoing support from Shane Meyer and Brendan Franzone, Wongutha Principals in 2019-2023, and for the valuable contribution of Elizabeth Jackson, an English teacher of the young people involved in the development of this app. 

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